أفق نيوز
الخبر بلا حدود

21 Months of US-Saudi-Led Bombing and Blockade


Decenber 31|Yamanyoon

The warplanes of US-Saudi-led coalition launched 67 airstrikes and Saudi missiles bombardment on Saada, Taiz, Sanaa, Marib, Amran, Hajja, AlJawf, Thamar and AlBaitha

Injured 2 women during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance on civilians’ houses and destroyed them on their inhabitants, they also targeted and destroyed communication networks, roads, bridges, mosques, and civilian and service facilities.

Yemen is bleeding and the world ignore talking about the murderer.  250,000 US-Saudi raids against Yemen through 21 months of Saudi military  campaign on Yemen , horrible genocide committed by US-Saudi coalition.

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