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Daily report of Saudi-led Aggression air raids on Yemen for Sunday, August 16, 2015 (Day 144)


Sunday, August 16, 2015

The following is a summary of the Saudi-led Aggression air raids launched on Yemen on Sunday, August 16, 2015 and the resulting casualties and destruction.


  • 3 air raids on the area of al-Zour (الزور).
  • Air raids targeted the areas of al-Balg (البلق), al-Tal’ah al-Hamra (الطلعة الحمراء), Jufaynah, al-Shuallah (الشعلة), al-Ashraf, and Himat al-Magawi (حمة المقاوي).
  • More than 95 air raids on areas in Mareb.


  • An air raid on al-Daylami airbase.


  • 4 air raids targeted the area of Asfal Marran (اسفل مران).
  • Saudi missile shelling targeted civilian homes in the area of Bani Sayah, in the district of Razeh.
  • An air raid targeted the city of Sa’dah.
  • A little girl injured and a herd of cattle killed as a result of Saudi missile bombing on the area of al-Jabhah (الجبهة), in Dhuwaib (ذؤيب).
  • 2 air raids on the area of al-Minzaleh, in al-Dhaher, and an air raid on the area of Bani Sayah, in Razeh.
  • 3 air raids on the district of Kitaf.
  • A little girl killed, and another girl injured, as a result of 2 Saudi air raids that targeted the house of a civilian named Ahmed Fadhel, in the area of al-Humaidat (الحميدات), in the district of Kitaf.
  • 2 civilians killed as a result of Saudi Apache aircraft shelling on their car, in the district of Shada.
  • 2 air raids on Dhahyan.


  • 2 air raids on the district of al-Ghail (الغيل).
  • Killed and injured civilians as a result of Saudi shelling on civilian homes, in the area of Khab al-Sha’f (خب الشعف).


  • Saudi aircraft targeted the Officers Club (نادي الضباط) and the Naval Base.
  • Killed and injured people as a result of Saudi air raids that targeted the building of Yemen Economical Corporation.
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