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الخبر بلا حدود

هااام” 500 تغريدة جاهزة للمشاركة ضمن حملة #أمريكا_تقتل_الشعب_اليمني بالهشتاق الجديد #‎USAkillYemenis‬

  1. The US-backed Saudi-led co bombed +325k homes +615 mosques +400 food trucks +570 schools 14 airports 353 malls/souks #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  2. Warcrimes in #Yemen with US #UK bombs:Saudi double-tap on Saada killed rescuers @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis https://youtu.be/1gYaArAnkvQ

  3. Testimony @MSF #Yemen: 10 children killed walking home from school US-backed Saudi-led airstrike #USAkillYemenis http://goo.gl/cmqK05

  4. March 26: a US & #UK backed coalition of the richest countries started to BOMB #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/osI2Z6EYsj

  5. .@MSF: #Yemen-is stop going to hospitals seen as ”targets” for US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/yemen-crisis-saudi-arabia-air-strikes-shiara-hospital-people-scared-to-go-msf-a6821286.html

  6. 34 countries supporting SaudiArabia in its war against #Yemen regardless the participation level #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/G4cEPRBNZJ

  7. A Yemeni child coming back from school to discover that his family left this life #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/rTuHjDj1QO

  8. Child from #Saada, injured by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes: ‘Will I die or not?’ #USAkillYemenis #Yemen https://twitter.com/ajahiz/status/690586244787482624

  9. End US support for US-backed Saudi-led aggression on #Yemen #USAkillYemenis call 202-224-3121 – Write ➨http://bit.ly/1KtPRWc Sign ➨http://chn.ge/1Fogp96

  10. MSF paramedic, civilian first responders: 24 killed in Saudi double-tap airstrike in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://www.rt.com/news/329770-yemen-double-tap-airstrikes-responders/

  11. Kids in #Yemen sleep covering their ears during US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes while they sleep #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/R6fhRwsRXD

  12. Saudi coalition used CBU-58A/B in Hajja #Yemen Scores of BLU-63A/B UXO @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D42vvsLomY

  13. .US-made cluster bombs to kill in #Yemen. But who answers for it ? @WhiteHouse @IntlCrimCourt? #USAkillYemenis https://shar.es/16PehD

  14. A. Ammer – #MSF ambulance driver – killed by Saudi airstrike on his way to rescue others #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/b6lO2XKvYE

  15. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition dropped banned US manufactured cluster munitions in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://amn.st/6012BkXIM

  16. US & UK military in command centre for Saudi airstrikes on #Yemen & have access to target lists #USAkillYemenis http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/15/british-us-military-in-command-room-saudi-strikes-yemen

  17. .SaudiArabia is destroying #Yemen to the core! All seem toothless @un @hrw Shame on you all @WhiteHouse US weapons #USAkillYemenis

  18. Every day more US-backed Saudi-led massacres with bombs sold by my country, & probably yours too! End the silence. #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  19. Saudi Coalition Forces loot humanitarian aid convoys in southern #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://bit.ly/1WwhO1O pic.twitter.com/IIMVa93nau

  20. Lots of problems in today’s world. Some get attention, many don’t. #Yemen is ignored. End the blackout. End the silence. #USAkillYemenis

  21. USA, UK & Israel assisting SaudiArabia in bombing #Yemen +8000 (mainly civilians) killed #USAkillYemenis http://alwaght.com/en/News/40777/US,-UK,-Israeli-Warplanes-Assisting-Saudis-in-Bombing-Yemen

  22. Schoolgirls describing to teacher the massive US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in #Sanaa #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/ORj0VzRWeu

  23. In #Yemen civilians pay price for world’s silence & inaction during 10 months #USAkillYemenis. The price tag is too high. Show you care.

  24. CBU-58 cluster bombs contain antipersonnel/anti-material submunitions @IntlCrimCourt #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/belkiswille/status/685035360133496832

  25. .@AmbassadorPower, you should send your message to US military advisers assisting the Saudis #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/AmbassadorPower/status/691097166337568768

  26. A #mustwatch video. Discover more about #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/JosephJo1221/status/689175402238095362

  27. .US-backed Saudi-led coalition even hit centre for the blind. Imagine panic, confusion & terror of those poor children! #USAkillYemenis

  28. Do you want to know what the US US-backed Saudi-led aggression on #Yemen mean for us? Just watch & listen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/D153NY6h1t

  29. .US/UK-supplied jets,bombs&missiles, US/UK military advisers, intel&logistics: we call it the KSA aggression on #Yemen? #USAkillYemenis

  30. Hello world – have you noticed yet? Desperate humanitarian crisis in #Yemen after #USAkillYemenis. How can you ignore cries 4 help?

  31. Thousands of families left homeless & it’s winter. They need houses desperately. @UNGeneva #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/VCZ5uPH37C

  32. 27.6 million stories of grief, loss & fear. Death comes at all hours of the day & night here. No one is safe in #Yemen. #USAkillYemenis

  33. How do you sleep at night selling weapons that kill children? @POTUS @WhiteHouse #Yemen #USAkillYemenis (Graphic) pic.twitter.com/GaaOvarTVm

  34. Words including ‘bombs & airstrikes’ are now part of 3 yr old child’s vocabulary in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Raljmc3Om2

  35. .USA #UK & more countries support the murder of civilians in #Yemen & the bombing of schools & hospitals @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis

  36. Why did they kill my family? When will this war end? Why do you stay silent? #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/07tQeI49RQ

  37. You want to know what’s going on in #Yemen? Watch & listen (Graphic) #USAkillYemenis Break the silence #StopWars pic.twitter.com/7WP8oJixl3

  38. .#Yemen will rise from the ashes stronger than ever. These are indestructible Women & Men. #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/yq6B8fw56B

  39. Collecting garbage all day to help family survive, parents among millions who lost jobs due 2 war. #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/D5jNRPYlmo

  40. .”Am I dying?” cried this boy. He survived an airstrike. Dozens of others didn’t. #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/ArJqPhP7Tp

  41. Saudi FM: ”UK troops serve in #Yemen war ops room; train Saudis 2 target & code smart bombs.” Help #USAkillYemenis http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/saudiarabia/12102089/UK-military-training-Saudi-bomb-targeters-in-Yemen-war.html

  42. Impossible to imagine how it feels to suffer US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes whilst the world looks the other way. #USAkillYemenis #Yemen

  43. You can help feed starving #Yemenis by donating at http://monarelief.org – beat the blockade despite #USAkillYemenis @monarelief

  44. There should be urgent independent investigation of US-backed Saudi-led #warcrimes in #Yemen @IntlCrimCourt #clusterbombs #USAkillYemenis

  45. New evidence challenges Saudi Arabia’s denial that it dropped cluster bombs on Sanaa #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://www.amnestyusa.org/news/news-item/yemen-new-evidence-challenges-coalition-s-denial-it-used-cluster-munitions

  46. This not #GazaUnderAttack, this is #USAkillYemenis in #Yemen yet #world silence pic.twitter.com/ErLiCJ1wIh

  47. Thousands of children on the brink of starvation in #Yemen, caused by Saudi blockade ΤR @_ju1_#USAkillYemenis https://t.co/DmAb8pbGS2

  48. There is a #hero in #Yemen. He done a lot to help his people, for months. His name is Fatik. #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/gvrVsx8pNU

  49. Over 2,000 #children killed by US Saudi-led airstrikes in #Yemen 1000s mothers too #USAkillYemenis (Graphic) pic.twitter.com/3Su14XCyJ1

  50. I had to read it twice SaudiBarbarism has no bounds and @UN is complicit! #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/TheArabSource/status/690032711923286016

  51. .#USAkillYemenis & US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes against poorest country #Yemen, millions facing starvation pic.twitter.com/Edl5uH7s5Q

  52. Handicapped for life: 3500 #children in #Yemen pay price for US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/jTMF0WnU86

  53. No #RedLine #USAkillYemenis in #Yemen: family of 5 were killed in #Hodeidah 21 Dec.15 (Graphic) pic.twitter.com/FyptIdlpbc

  54. North: US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes destroyed everything, South #ISIS destroyed anything #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/KdAZgIowU3

  55. 25Jan #Sanaa: US-backed Saudi-led strike killed whole family: grandparents, parents, 3childrens #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Ki32lcEKZD

  56. Results of #USAkillYemenis in #Yemen: 23 Universities attacked by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes pic.twitter.com/DEVWgyRJZe

  57. .+2000 children killed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in #Yemen, 1000s mothers too. #USAkillYemenis (Graphic) https://t.co/3Su14XCyJ1

  58. 160 Schools DESTROYED by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in #Yemen in 10 months #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/yWonbjYSnv

  59. All USA Senators & #UK MPs must take action NOW – stop arms sales, stop bombing #Yemen #warcrimes #USAkillYemenis

  60. No food & med supplies 4millions #Yemen children, 10 mths of US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes. #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/A6WdovKcWB

  61. Entire neighborhoods erased & 1000s of residential areas destroyed in #Yemen due to #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/3bj3Jt93Fk

  62. Terrifying video students screaming & running away from US-backed Saudi-led bombardment, #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/D153NY6h1t

  63. Any media out there? #Yemen under US-backed Saudi-led attack for 10 months yet world silence @UNGeneva #YemenCrisis #USAkillYemenis

  64. Do you want 2 know what does #USAkillYemenis in #Yemen mean for us? For Yemeni #children? Just watch & listen pic.twitter.com/Yvb3YkQz95

  65. After #USAkillYemenis #Yemen is asking: which country sold those bombs to SaudiArabia 2 kill our children? https://t.co/roAudKWlD4

  66. Why has the US-backed Saudi-led blockade not been lifted? People are starving to death. Break the silence #USAkillYemenis.

  67. Cluster Munitions in #Yemen. Message to the children: don’t touch this! #USAkillYemenis @IntlCrimCourt http://media.hrw.org/index.asp?ID=MLHHI&lang=ENG&showEmbargoed=true pic.twitter.com/bKur4aKJ1a

  68. 10 mths US-backed Saudi-led attacks: Many kids now dead, orphan, homeless & many starving due to blockade #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/armL8vxaSU

  69. In conflict situations, it is always the case that children suffer the most from the impact of the violence #Yemen @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis

  70. Mocha seawater desalination plant was hit yesterday by US-backed Saudi-led jets. #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/Sgf0BZNiqL

  71. Genocide in #Yemen yet world silence. Very strange: for US & #Europe, Yemen doesn’t exist! Can You explain? #USAkillYemenis

  72. Don’t trust the number of casualties in #Yemen they are all widely underestimated. #USAkillYemenis http://sayed7asan.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/yemen-under-reporting-of-war-deaths-or.html#sthash.w2pgNICm.uxfs&st_refDomain=t.co&st_refQuery=/cLIhCnGAg8

  73. Don’t stay silent, talk about people of #Yemen being annihilated by US-backed Saudi-led #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/TxU5SLH1vV

  74. .#USAkillYemenis in #Yemen 100,000s kids homeless, beautiful homes destroyed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes https://t.co/EVKoHSfqAt

  75. Number of people in #Yemen in need of humanitarian aid is close to double that of Syrians. @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/NiETTWr3kS

  76. Schools in #Yemen hit by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes & children killed by snipers @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Z8mMyHEpiv

  77. Achievements of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition in #Yemen – war & blockade sponsored by @UN #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/JamilaHanan/status/673063547958620160

  78. Genocide in #Yemen and yet you stay silent @UNGeneva? Ask @SaudiEmbassyUSA @WhiteHouse to STOP bombing civilians #USAkillYemenis

  79. Yemen: World first famine sanctioned by @UN. Must be stopped. @UNGeneva @POTUS @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/wVnHzlgYAg

  80. .US-backed Saudi-led coalition slaughtering innocents in #Yemen, especially kids & women @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/BdPX3PpmGU

  81. No basic food in the markets, no flour, no gas, no water. Water trucking jumped from 15 $ to 55$. Lift the blockade @UN Stop #USAkillYemenis

  82. Living in #war, living in a hell. #Children in #Yemen are facing #USAkillYemenis & siege. ”Inevitable death” pic.twitter.com/jNWo59YJHQ

  83. .US-backed Saudi-led coalition hit residential areas in city of Yarim #USAkillYemenis #Yemen #اليمن http://t.co/f8lj5kVIqR

  84. The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live #Yemen @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/cugxphKKDK

  85. After US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes: homes destroyed, 1000s killed, millions displaced, hungry #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Yd7tu4LQ2l

  86. Fuel disappears from all markets & already limited humanitarian operations in #Yemen slowly stopping @UNGeneva @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis

  87. Hello world. Is anyone paying attention? US-backed Saudi-led #warcrimes in #Yemen @IntlCrimCourt #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  88. According to @MSF many hospitals are unable to operate in #Yemen – no healthcare for unknown numbers! @UNGeneva @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis

  89. Another #tweetstorm when we ask again – how much do people have to suffer before the world takes notice? Stop #USAkillYemenis #Yemen

  90. Yemeni civilians under attack. 10 months of US-backed Saudi-led warcrimes #Yemen @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/8GtNRAOsfF

  91. She lost her leg: 3500 #Yemen #child are handicapped due to US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/jTMF0WnU86

  92. Restoring #democracy to #Yemen by US-backed Saudi-led #coalition #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/Z1HdBKGdqn

  93. .US-backed Saudi-led coalition bomb 3m populated Sanaa with cluster bombs #warcrimes #Yemen 6/1/16 #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/zkN9V4CtUo

  94. When you kiss your children before getting sleep plz remember #Yemen #children who face #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/uM8UpCA2eA

  95. During USA-backed Saudi-led strikes in #Yemen, civilian casualties horrific, yet shameful media silence! End the blackout. #USAkillYemenis

  96. Ahmad killed US-back Saudi-led strike on home: no military target in area #USAkillYemenis http://bit.ly/1UUg0yP pic.twitter.com/xglUjSMiDK

  97. Many warcrimes committed by US-backed Saudi-led coalition. Who protects civilians from this? @IntlCrimCourt @UN #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  98. Entire villages & their residents have been erased from the face of the earth by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition #USAkillYemenis #Yemen

  99. Beautiful smiles of courageous child. #Yemen. US-backed Saudi-led war/blockade sponsored by @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/1rr6uZzfVx

  100. A reminder – 10 months of horror for innocent civilians by US-backed Saudi-led coalition! Please pray for #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  101. .”The very powerful against the very poor’ #Yemen Aug 2015 #USAkillYemenis https://youtu.be/4QVFHKIOt4Q pic.twitter.com/6vdE5vtRdJ

  102. .@monarelief still distributing blankets & clothes 2 IDPs & poor families #Sanaa #Yemen despite #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/mH8yTQnueg

  103. Only weapon Yemeni civilians can use against airstrikes are their keyboards & 140 characters #Yemen @UNGeneva @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis

  104. Why Saudis Derailed Imminent #Yemen Deal with Airstrikes #USAkillYemenis @UNGeneva https://youtu.be/2lxSHVntj9U pic.twitter.com/EC5ANZVPDi

  105. 1000 #Yemen kids lose mothers as US-backed Saudi-led coalition target homes, schools, hospitals #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/1qVggg0TZO

  106. The world ignores US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes & #Yemen is being destroyed. How would you feel? Shame on the world! #USAkillYemenis

  107. Report by @amnesty in #Yemen: Bombing of schools by US-backed Saudi-led coalition #USAkillYemenis #StopWars http://youtu.be/rxPuYkekJKc

  108. Looking for water is a real problem that almost all Yemenis are suffering from #Yemen @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/2ERJWB7E82

  109. July 5: 9 kids inc 12 day old baby, Al-Sailami family, die in #Saada US-backed Saudi-led strike #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/bS9DDwsklK

  110. Let’s face it – if the world hadn’t ignored #Yemen, the US-backed Saudi-led coalition might not have got away with murder. #USAkillYemenis

  111. .”Total War in #Yemen: Humanitarian Catastrophe” WORLD SILENCE @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis http://www.globalresearch.ca/responsibility-to-destroy-r2d-total-war-in-yemen-humanitarian-catastrophe-ignored-by-western-media/5472191

  112. Beautiful smiles, courageous children #Yemen despite 10 months US-backed Saudi-led war/blockade #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/1rr6uZzfVx

  113. 10 months of strikes by US-backed Saudi-led coalition leave dead, also children & women #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Q6VjgHUsjV

  114. Collateral damage means #WarCrimes 10 months of US-backed Saudi-led massacres in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/v3jEeUnEtm

  115. End the US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in #Yemen. Killing innocents even ‘accidentally’ is UNACCEPTABLE @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis

  116. Hashim Alhomran died from injury when covering Saudi airstrikes on Saada #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/MP2CkDJfTD

  117. Yemen is now world’s worst humanitarian crisis – in depth reporting on how bad it really is, because #USAkillYemenis http://www.globalpost.com/article/6708806/2015/12/20/yemen-might-be-worlds-most-urgent-humanitarian-crisis

  118. Doesn’t she deserve peace? Why does the world stay silent despite US-backed Saudi-led killing? #YemenCrisis #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Idtp2ASy20

  119. Millions in #Yemen are suffering because of US-backed Saudi-led coalition but world’s media silent. Silence = complicity #USAkillYemenis

  120. .#USAkillYemenis during US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in #Yemen against poorest country in #ME pic.twitter.com/ErLiCJ1wIh

  121. After 10 mths US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #Yemen nothing left but rubble @UN @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/KjTK4cjxzu

  122. Civilians are the first victims of these US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes @UNGeneva @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/SrL5a3YeyB

  123. Yemen: 10months US-backed Saudi-led strikes/blockade. What future for these boys @WhiteHouse? #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/MusR9SHsXV

  124. Mothers’ hands all but empty in #Yemen. Help @monarelief to save lives. #USAkillYemenis https://www.gofundme.com/savealifeinyemen pic.twitter.com/XtUvbNo5Am

  125. Sept. 6: early morning in Sanaa after US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes, with US & UK bombs #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/LDaGjimOFT

  126. Please @SaudiEmbassyUSA @lassecgen don’t try to help #Yemen anymore.The Yemenis have had enough of Saudi ”help” @UNCERF #USAkillYemenis

  127. 26 January was 10 months of US-backed Saudi-led war on #Yemen. Each month surely added to Riyadh’s deepening humiliation #USAkillYemenis

  128. Take responsibility 4 your part in the bombing of civilian areas, schools, hospitals, homes in #Yemen @POTUS @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis

  129. Wake up people of USA. US supplies arms to Saudi who use them to kill people in #Yemen. How can you ignore #warcrimes? #USAkillYemenis

  130. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed her home. Who will rebuild? @WhiteHouse @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/sdYCERMEmI

  131. Dec17: 650 US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in Hajja province alone, on day 3 of ceasefire #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/hRnO3iq6kI

  132. .US-backed Saudi-led strike attacks food aid. Driver BURNT alive! No weapons found, only food. #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/ywPmy3PTm1

  133. Please world, turn around – people in #Yemen die every day while you look the other way. Doesn’t that bother you? #USAkillYemenis

  134. Another big risk for #Yemen-i kids is being injured / killed by unexploded ordnance & explosive remnants of war @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis

  135. Demand trials for those responsible for US-backed Saudi-led #warcrimes in #Yemen @UNGeneva @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis

  136. Hospital in #Yemen after US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes sanctioned by @UN End the silence #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/slCs3mi46a

  137. Jan. 22: 55 airstrikes on Haradh killing 8 civilians & 10000s families evacuate homes #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/nTnHdRa1dc

  138. How would you feel to search for food, try to survive US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes & still the world ignore you? #USAkillYemenis #Yemen

  139. Do you want to know what Saudi is doing in #Yemen? Hold your breath & watch a GRAPHIC sample. #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/jwvKzv5pz2

  140. Hello World, are you there? Our brothers & sisters are under attack by US-backed Saudi-led coalition. #YemenCrisis #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  141. How many more #warcrimes before USA #UK & others will withdraw support & stop selling arms to Saudi? @WhiteHouse #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  142. War orphans: 1000’s of kids saw parents die in US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes. #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/VpSvoWvTlH

  143. Entire street erased, 100s of residential areas destroyed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/3bj3Jt93Fk

  144. It is outrageous for #warcrimes to be ignored @IntlCrimCourt. Who will investigate? Who will stand up and say enough! #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  145. .#Yemen Youngest VICTIM: 1 day old girl killed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrike on family home #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/fqwfv7uonI

  146. .#EU arms exports to Saudi Arabia in the context of the war in #Yemen are illegal #USAkillYemenis http://www.saferworld.org.uk/news-and-views/comment/195-eu-arms-exports-to-saudi-arabia-in-the-context-of-the-war-in-yemen-are-illegal-#.VnWVR3zbfo4.twitter

  147. In #Sanaa alone +13 major factories/companies destroyed in US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/iWbX4LWdnW

  148. Not long ago a family lived in this house. But US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed it. #Saada #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/2eoyyY2Vy8

  149. We support a truly free and democratic election, with multiple candidates and without foreign interference #Yemen #USAkillYemenis @UNGeneva

  150. In the west simple medicines are taken for granted. In #Yemen people are dying without them. Outrageous. #USAkillYemenis & blockade.

  151. Put an end to any foreign interference in #Yemen’s internal affairs. What about Yemen’s sovereignty @lassecgen? #USAkillYemenis

  152. Reporters without borders condemn dangers & ”increasingly hostile environment” in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://en.rsf.org/yemen-mounting-dangers-for-journalists-25-01-2016,48766.html

  153. Jan. 25: Entire family of 8 killed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrike on their home, Sanaa #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/geUtzR1Y3k

  154. If the world’s media are unwilling to tell the story of #USAkillYemenis in #Yemen we’ll have to do it for them. #warcrimes #StopWar

  155. If you care about humanity, please help us end the world silence & media blackout of US-backed Saudi-led coalition. #USAkillYemenis #Yemen

  156. Shame on all countries supporting US-backed Saudi-led coalition. Time to say no and investigate #warcrimes. #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  157. I support #Yemen. People there have suffered enough. Too many civilians have died due to US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes. #USAkillYemenis

  158. Wake up world. Show you care about #Yemen and the suffering of its people because of US-backed Saudi-led coalition. #USAkillYemenis

  159. Civilians in #Yemen are in desperate need of food & fuel after weeks of US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes/blockade @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis

  160. Witness: A Wedding Bombed in #Yemen https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/12/20/witness-wedding-bombed-yemen @IntlCrimCourt @POTUS @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis

  161. Imagine your children living in continuous nightmare & fear, what would you do? #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/jBiq2MKu8f

  162. Remnants of #UK-made PGMs in use by #UAE forces in #Yemen http://armamentresearch.com/united-arab-emirates-employ-british-hakim-a-series-precision-guided-munitions-in-yemen/ #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/30DfKn1yXy

  163. How to deal with #dengue fever? Keep high fever down #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/alshoba/status/638503365358432256

  164. Entire neighborhoods destroyed in #Yemen by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/LVcxCE3TEx

  165. Message from #Yemen ”The whole world must know that we are dying here. World, your silence is killing us.” @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis

  166. Yemeni children message to the world. Please stop Saudi war against Yemen @UNGeneva @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Mne6WlLgbx

  167. World silence on US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes on #Yemen is shameful. We are all complicit unless we take a stand. #USAkillYemenis

  168. .#USAkillYemenis there is no healthcare for millions of people as many health facilities have been targeted. Shameful. #Yemen

  169. Urge US to stop supplying arms & insist on investigation of airstrikes. Too many #warcrimes @IntlCrimCourt @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis

  170. Coalition uses #clusterbombs in #Yemen. What will you do about it @POTUS @WhiteHouse @IntlCrimCourt #warcrimes #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  171. Jan. 17: Another Sanaa attack – US-backed Saudi-led airstrike rocks #Yemen capital waking up 100,000s of children in fear #USAkillYemenis

  172. Dear @AmbassadorPower, citizens of the world call on USA to stop refuelling fighter jets + selling bombs to Saudis #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  173. .#Yemen is now world’s biggest humanitarian crisis. So much suffering. Stop this war @POTUS @WhiteHouse #USAkillYemenis

  174. A US-backed Saudi-led airstrike hit humanitarian convoy loaded with wheat #Yemen 4 killed & others injured @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis

  175. How can the world ignore the cries of the children of #Yemen, suffering so much because of US Saudi. Shame on the world! #USAkillYemenis

  176. .#USAkillYemenis & the humanitarian situation in #Yemen is ever more desperate. @UN stop condemning, we need action not more words.

  177. Saudis were predominantly responsible for the 9/11 atrocity. Now committing heinous crimes in #Yemen supported by USA! #USAkillYemenis

  178. There must be an urgent independent investigation of US-backed Saudi-led #warcrimes in #Yemen #clusterbombs @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis

  179. GRAPHIC: Saudi Double-tap strike on Saada, #Yemen, 6/2015, killed 42 people inc 27 children #USAkillYemenis https://youtu.be/bjAFklSxlIQ

  180. More US #UK Senators/MPs are concerned about involvement in #Yemen – They should stop selling arms to Saudi. #USAkillYemenis

  181. Whilst world turns away, #Yemen is being destroyed by 10 months of #warcrimes plus blockade @IntlCrimCourt. End the silence. #USAkillYemenis

  182. Despite increasing violations of IHL by US-backed Saudi-led coalition, US leaders seem blind & deaf to evidence #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  183. No more excuses. Too many civilian targets, #warcrimes by US-backed Saudi-led coalition. Time to investigate @POTUS #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  184. The wonderful volunteers of @monarelief reach areas in #Yemen others can’t – please support at http://monarelief.org #USAkillYemenis

  185. 27.6 million stories of grief, loss & fear. Death comes at all hours of the day & night here. No one is safe in #Yemen as #USAkillYemenis

  186. .US citizens must demand that US-backed Saudi-led #warcrimes in #Yemen are investigated. No excuses. No cover-up. #USAkillYemenis

  187. Break the silence on the US-backed Saudi-led #warcrimes, end the blockade, help civilians and stop the suffering #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  188. Why do countries put profit before people? Arms sales to Saudi booming whilst civilians in #Yemen are slaughtered #USAkillYemenis

  189. No country should supply arms to SaudiArabia – using them to kill civilians in #Yemen during #USAkillYemenis End the carnage now.

  190. So, how many more #Yemen children must be slaughtered by SaudiArabia before the world takes notice #USAkillYemenis? #warcrimes

  191. Hello to other side from brave #Yemen 2b seen worldwide 4 all #Children who died #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/ErLiCJ1wIh

  192. Saudi said they don’t target residential area & civilians! So what is this ? #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/827jCUwBXe

  193. Medical services after the bombing of all health facilities in #Saada #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/vhwBDtUZl0

  194. About time world media provided full coverage of the US-backed Saudi-led #warcrimes taking place in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis @IntlCrimCourt

  195. More than 8 workers in RasIsaa port #Hodeidah turned 2 ashes after Saudi strike. #USAkillYemenis @IntlCrimCourt pic.twitter.com/dHabNXGel4

  196. Jan. 19 Saudi airstrikes in #Yemen capital Sanaa on a Sports Hall #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/4HziCKUwxr

  197. 21Jan: MASSACRE committed by US-backed Saudi-led coalition in #Hodeidah #USAkillYemenis #Yemen @IntlCrimCourt pic.twitter.com/XSGULKUB7q

  198. Yemeni #Children are military targets for the US-backed Saudi-led coalition #USAkillYemenis @IntlCrimCourt pic.twitter.com/1m5LJHoNvD

  199. 10 months of US-backed Saudi-led bombing in #Yemen. watch & break the silence #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/D153NY6h1t

  200. RIP Saleh AlBukhaiti. This 4yrs boy was killed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/hc5hxvd0al

  201. Break the silence for all men, women & kids who died under US-backed airstrikes in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis on pic.twitter.com/r32GjmxfFr

  202. Jan. 29 : a Family of 14 killed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes in #Yemen region of Saada #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/QyegXiHF8H

  203. Countries supplying arms to the Saudi-led coalition to kill women & children in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/jMV6SCryV8

  204. Jan. 25 in #Sanaa the US-backed Saudi-led coalition killed 8 people including 3 children #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/3AUVeB3dJb

  205. only survivor after his whole family was killed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/EK5917lprr

  206. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs civilians on a daily basis since march 26 #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/DkPRyF0LxV

  207. 10 months of US-backed Saudi-led massacres of innocents World silence #Yemen #USAkillYemenis @IntlCrimCourt pic.twitter.com/wGu0Bj8L0N

  208. Pix of a mosque in Sanaa after being hit by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/qw5zMTcSJ8

  209. Living in war, living in hell. #Yemen-i children are facing US-backed Saudi-led bombing & siege #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/aasarzMGmm

  210. .#France embraces Saudi-led Slaughter in #Yemen http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/french-francois-hollande-arms-merchant-or-why-france-embraces-saudi-slaughter-in-yemen/ #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/N1ALCdYkGk

  211. .#Yemen : Under-reporting of war deaths – or genocide? http://sayed7asan.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/yemen-under-reporting-of-war-deaths-or.html#sthash.w2pgNICm.uxfs&st_refDomain=t.co&st_refQuery=/cLIhCnGAg8pic.twitter.com/MDAksRXfms #USAkillYemenis

  212. We support Yemenis right to have access to clean water. Lift the blockade on #Yemen now @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/hh7PPNi6M4

  213. .@lassecgen let us express our disgust to arab leaders involved in the genocide in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/gDPnZOGgrM

  214. Genocide in #Yemen with US UK France Italy bombs, a war against childhood #USAkillYemenis break the silence pic.twitter.com/ybdBU3si4Z

  215. Nov. 16: US-backed Saudi-led coalition kill 8 civilians (4 Kids) in Taiz #Yemen @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/6Bdfz1IjYZ

  216. To those who still support the Saudi-led war on #Yemen: Civilians are the victims of this war #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/oBtfmjnRcn

  217. Old man survived Saudi-led airstrikes after an hour under rubble. Family was killed #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/NAIqCi8o46

  218. Hodeida: the US-backed Saudi-led coalition uses prohibited bombs against civilians in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/oxIoFOpJfS

  219. We ask the IMMEDIATE & unconditional lifting of the blockade & peace for #Yemen #USAkillYemenis @UNGeneva pic.twitter.com/mA0j1HeeIU

  220. Yemenis are under a severe blockade imposed on Yemen by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition since March 26 @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis

  221. Benefits that come with US-backed Saudi-led aggression on #Yemen : children stop going to school fearing to be killed #USAkillYemenis

  222. Yemenis are dying for lack of what humanity takes for granted. Lift the blockade to let in food & fuel @lassecgen #USAkillYemenis

  223. Yemen: 10 months of war. 100,000s civilians homeless due to the US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/RNntFXzgYf

  224. A child scared cuz of the sound of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s jets in #Yemen @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/cq4CaA5aR3

  225. 1 meal/day for millions children in #Yemen after 10 months of Saudi war in poorest Mideast nation #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/9QeZr3M2yg

  226. the US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs roads, bridges & airports. Ports under blockade, aid can’t get in! @UN #USAkillYemenis

  227. Killing & destroying is the only language used by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition in #Yemen. 10 months of war & blockade #USAkillYemenis

  228. We are the voices that can save #Yemen. Please sign & share https://www.change.org/p/sign4yemen-end-us-support-of-saudi-led-attack-on-yemen?recruiter=389582776&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/FZ8yTVdCJS

  229. Stand with the people of YEMEN bombed on a daily basis by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/58ADXSfd79

  230. Tens of civilians killed daily by the US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #Yemen 10 months of war #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/BQUjDReCkB

  231. Yemenis are dying b/c of lack of water, food, medicine & fuel. Pressure your governments & @UN to end the blockade in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  232. Nov. 17: death bags – 170 Saudi-led airstrikes in 24h kill 46 civilians & injure 125 in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/eOitlqEgqE

  233. 10 months of war: civilians under US-backed Saudi-led aggression since March 26 #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/3PChfaPzd5

  234. Many private & public hospitals closed due to fuel shortage in the country #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/LdsMs6xAmQ

  235. Does the US-backed Saudi-led war in #Yemen amount to genocide @IntlCrimCourt ? Res. 260A #UN http://www.hrweb.org/legal/genocide.html #USAkillYemenis

  236. .”I dream to live, study, sleep in peace. I don’t want to hear the sound of planes destroying my country” #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  237. 10 months of war: many fathers, brothers, sons, search for their beloved under the rubble #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/swe8yJSuJX

  238. .#Yemen 10 months of war. Civilians are facing daily bombing on a massive scale. +8000 people died #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/W8gyRIquwF

  239. .#Yemen 10 months US-backed Saudi-led massacres of innocents & World silence! end the black-out #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/wGu0Bj8L0N

  240. Yemen AlThawraHospital of Taiz province stopped working. No diesel to run generators. @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/NgVEY8LYob

  241. STOP bombing civilians @lassecgen @SaudiEmbassyUSA @SaudiEmbassyUK ! Stop the War on #YEMEN @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/6tuPI9GFw7

  242. Oxygen factory has closed in #Yemen b/c no fuel anymore, patients need O2. SOS @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/LdsMs6xAmQ

  243. We need your support for a campaign against the US-backed Saudi-led aggression on #Yemen & Yemenis. We need more pressure #USAkillYemenis

  244. AlThawra Hospital of Taiz province stopped working. No diesel anymore to run generators #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/NgVEY8LYob

  245. Feb2 : Daily report of the violations committed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/1lKWJqJW3l

  246. Message from the children of #Yemen (July 2015) please listen https://youtu.be/hbqQzSrZtSA #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/yYL5s23Z8H

  247. Those children are starving because Saudi Arabia & @lassecgen are imposing a blockade on #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/UNsjWAHBSC

  248. Dec. 2015 : 1000s kids like this in #Yemen, due to the US-backed Saudi-led war/blockade #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/t2PocMUBVW

  249. 26 millions of Yemenis under fire, embargo, water scarcity, months of power outage. Since march 26 #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  250. You wonder what the most severe humanitarian crisis ever feels like? #Yemen 2015 @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/wGu0Bj8L0N

  251. Dec.13 : 28 civilians killed today in #Yemen. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition kills civilians #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/rEMof9uUIu

  252. Nepal earthquake ? Hurricane Katrina ? no, #Saada #YEMEN under US-backed Saudi-led aggression #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/vXBm3761SY

  253. Stand for Yemenis who simply dream of peace. What kind of future for their CHILDREN? #Yemen #USAkillYemenis @UN pic.twitter.com/jq3BYtJmUY

  254. Tragic situation in #Yemen. Hospitals have shut down, forcing patients severely injured in airstrikes to go home #USAkillYemenis

  255. People stand at the site of US-backed Saudi-led AirStrikes on houses in #Sanaa April 26 #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/i5GL1pCfMe

  256. the US-backed Saudi-led assaults on #Yemen go on, bombarding everywhere across the impoverished country @UN #USAkillYemenis

  257. .#Yemen: 10 months of destruction +170 schools destroyed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/EAGJHbXNNU

  258. Genocide in #Yemen and yet you stay silent ? @UN_PGA @UNGeneva @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/uRDW1ljeOD

  259. graphic ! meet the victims of the bombs sold to Saudis by US #UK #Italy #France #Spain. #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/TcQV6gddwb

  260. EU arms exports to Saudi Arabia in the context of the war in #Yemen are illegal #USAkillYemenis http://www.saferworld.org.uk/news-and-views/comment/195-eu-arms-exports-to-saudi-arabia-in-the-context-of-the-war-in-yemen-are-illegal-#.VnWVR3zbfo4.twitter

  261. By selling weapons on #warcrimes & sending mercenaries, many countries gain 100s Millions $ from Saudi war in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  262. Drawings of kids – July 2015 ”they killed our people” ”why are they hiting #Yemen?” #USAkillYemenis World silence pic.twitter.com/rwsZolZrfc

  263. .#Yemen 10 months of bombing & blockade: US-backed Saudi-led genocide. Break the silence #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/LJPnkUSGF5

  264. She lost her family due to US-backed Saudi-led aggression on #Yemen & now lives in the streets #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/ayLG7T99O1

  265. Pix of the destruction caused by Saudi jets in al-Sayah area Sanaa. #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/gdnHPELrnB

  266. Can you stand & watch while children are slowly dying ? Just children! Not war soldiers! #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/YGAftepjb3

  267. People in #Yemen struggle for water on daily basis after 10 months of war Saudi-led war &blockade #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/rSLPk4eiDh

  268. Photo of children living in sewers in #Sanaa after Saudi coalition bombed the area @UN #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/THaMqeiJDW

  269. Why are civilians continuously targeted by Saudi & co? Do you have an answer? @UN #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/ysLYUfTEiP

  270. Whole family killed by Saudi in Al-Hasaba area, Sanaa, Sep 22 #Yemen @UN @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Rkl6DQIjTh

  271. .”Fuck war! We want to play. Thank you” a bunch of awesome kids. Aden #Yemen @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/4MbuCNFw2a

  272. Sept. 10 : Sanaa received intense raids by Saudi & co. Damages caused in Hadda #Yemen @UN @NATO #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/x2XMtPyDBN

  273. Orphan due to war : Could you tell her that the Saudi missile killed all her family?! #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/syRBqE8NUc

  274. People looking for a woman buried under rubble after a US-backed Saudi-led airstrike #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/827jCUwBXe

  275. From #Palestine to #Yemen : Honour & Shame of Arab World #USAkillYemenis http://www.globalresearch.ca/from-palestine-to-yemen-honour-and-shame-of-the-arab-world/5468017pic.twitter.com/nXhbuseNWy

  276. Sept.27 Ibb area : Saudi & co commit new massacre, killing & wounding 45 civilians #Yemen @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/8WP5wk2J0f

  277. Orphan due to war: her family was killed on Sept. 18 by Saudi & co with US & UK bombs #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/oeljgDVEVX

  278. .#Yemen: how many orphans? Don’t be silent. end the blackout #USAkillYemenis http://yemenwarcrimes.blogspot.com pic.twitter.com/jDw87w4dqo

  279. We can’t stand and watch as people in #Yemen drink unsafe water & children die of medicine shortage @UN #USAkillYemenis

  280. Saudi Arabia is bombing #Yemen everyday & night (just in case the media didn’t tell you) #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/wDWd22ACc9

  281. .#Yemen 10 months of war: +570 schools & institutes destroyed by Saudi airstrikes @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/lBhL705bAL

  282. .#Yemen: +240 health facilities destroyed by US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/vEbbnCwFWc

  283. .#Yemen: 10 months of Saudi War Crimes: death & destruction sponsored by US, UK and more #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/rQZXeSh9n2

  284. .#Yemen: Lives of 1000s kids at serious risk: no medical help due to Saudi war&blockade @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/lhRDGfEEmq

  285. 100,000s families lost their home during Saudi led war in #Yemen. Nowhere to go. It’s winter. #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/eGwxcO2Kr0

  286. Yemen Homeless children, +320 000 Civilians homes destroyed by Saudi AirStrikes #Yemen @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/eZo316IOlI

  287. Photos Show Homes, Schools, Bridges, Airports, & Stadiums Destroyed in #USAkillYemenis http://globalvoicesonline.org/2015/04/22/airports-homes-factories-stadiums-palaces-and-infrastructure-destroyed-in-war-in-yemen/

  288. Woman buried alive under the rubble. Life on daily basis in #Yemen @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/827jCUwBXe

  289. Facing a severe shortage of propane or cooking gas, Yemenis line up for days for a refill @UN #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/Fatikr/status/595665636631703552

  290. Young children stripped of their childhood @UNGeneva @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/2ERJWB7E82

  291. .#Yemen is being destroyed, people are either homeless, injured or DEAD @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis

  292. Yemenis are strong & courageous but you can’t stay silent: It’s not war, it’s genocide #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/hDSXrxdlso

  293. This used to be his home. 100000s in #Yemen homeless due to Saudi & co airstrikes @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Nv9PR1SM29

  294. End the airstrikes and all military action in Yemen, killing civilians is a crime. @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/Seu4Wl37io

  295. May 1 Saudi airstrikes hit residential district of Sanaa overnight, killing 8 civilians. #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/U7Fgw6UCbY

  296. in #Yemen, since march 26, the Saudi-led coalition kills over 30 people EACH DAY with US #UK #France #Italy bombs #USAkillYemenis

  297. Yemen is being ripped apart, how long will this last? @IntlCrimCourt @CanadaNATO @UNCERF #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/rHr97ZWsRt

  298. Saudi airstrikes hit hospital & medical camp in #Yemen kill 58 civilians & injure 67 #USAkillYemenis @IntlCrimCourt http://cnn.it/1HZj5bT

  299. Pupils have lost a year of education! No longer able to do exams, Futures destroyed and lost @IntlCrimCourt @UNCERF #USAkillYemenis

  300. With continuous fighting & fuel shortage people cannot get water for daily use @UNGeneva @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis

  301. Yemen 10months of Saudi airstrikes: 2.5 million people DISPLACED, 100 000s refugees abroad @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/fsh4ifNOwy

  302. outcome of 300 days of US-backed #Saudi-led war on #Yemen – from 26/03/15 to 19/01/16 #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/4YOTl4BnWr

  303. Whilst you sleep under comfortable blankets, Yemenis are covered in a blanket of RUBBLE #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/wGu0Bj8L0N

  304. Yemen internally displaced ppl bedding in a school @ Khamir forced to leave their homes #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/AOGmEsQ6br

  305. 4 Jun2015, Saudi airstrikes hit small village in #Saada killed 8 women + 6 #children #USAkillYemenis https://youtu.be/LP4kp646ZWo

  306. The children of #Yemen deserve better. STOP the murder of Yemen’s next generation @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/wohsLZMTXV

  307. In #Yemen civilians are being murdered. We do not accept ”Collateral Damage”. @IntlCrimCourt @UNCERF @UN_DPA #USAkillYemenis

  308. 11 Apr.2015, Saudi strike Alkhafjy market in Sihararea #Sadaa, 2 killed 11 injured @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis https://youtu.be/aPDAp9NrZyE

  309. I’m not Yemeni, I don’t live in #Yemen. I support the Yemenis bc my country sells bombs to Saudis #USAkillYemenis https://twitter.com/YemenFightsBack/status/692372548915499008

  310. No action too small. Tweet, protest peacefully, organize public events, write, speak to your friends/neighbors #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  311. message to the world, from #Yemen : ”your weapons are killing us. Your silence, too” #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/kErCcPUQgQ

  312. Family GRAVES in war torn #Yemen. Relatives killed by Saudi airstrikes buried together #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/dCnZxlj9g9

  313. Fog of war can sometimes obscure the big picture. Shouldn’t big principles —& our defense of them— remain clear to us? #USAkillYemenis

  314. in #Yemen the Saudi coalition used banned Cluster Munitions US-Supplied Weapon @UNGeneva #USAkillYemenis http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/05/03/yemen-saudi-led-airstrikes-used-cluster-munitions

  315. .”Everything is gone. What remains are only memories. Please stop the war everywhere in #Yemen.” #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/GojSuRGnXb

  316. .#Yemen is now the world’s worst humanitarian crisis http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-12-22/yemen-now-world-s-worst-humanitarian-crisis #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/6oCmwaZtPK

  317. .”The #UN Secretariat’s bungling of #Yemen mediation has become ever more clear” @innercitypress http://www.innercitypress.com/yemen105fishy020216.html #USAkillYemenis

  318. Prevention & Punishment of the Crime of #Genocide http://www.hrweb.org/legal/genocide.html #Yemen @IntlCrimCourt @UN #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/g7knMtMmYG

  319. Mass starvation in #Yemen as US-backed Saudi war & blockade push millions to famine http://www.salon.com/2016/01/29/a_forgotten_crisis_mass_starvation_in_yemen_as_u_s_backed_saudi_war_blockade_push_millions_to_brink_of_famine/ #USAkillYemenis @IntlCrimCourt

  320. People in #Yemen need to know the world cares about their suffering. #USAkillYemenis We are complicit in this sin with our silence.

  321. War crimes – Saudi Arabia makes a parody of international law #Yemen http://en.shafaqna.com/news/27360 #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/nai8DEJsmv

  322. Children DIE from HUNGER in #Yemen. Millions eat 1 meal/day after 10 months of Saudi war & blockade #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/BioaGFK9Ml

  323. Saudi Arabia Is Killing Civilians in #Yemen with U.S. Bombs @HuffPostBlog http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marjorie-cohn/saudi-arabia-is-killing-c_b_9068780.html #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/GinfTz4HZD

  324. Saudi inquiry into war crime claims in #Yemen inadequate, say rights groups http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/01/saudi-inquiry-war-claims-yemen-inadequate-say-rights-groups #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/qgHDv8uWZv

  325. 21Jan – Saudi double-tap strikes on Dhahian #Saada killed 23 civilians mostly rescuers. #USAkillYemenis #Yemen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gYaArAnkvQ&feature=youtu.be

  326. 21JAN Saudi double-tap strikes on #Dhahian #Saada killed 23civilians mostly rescuers. #USAkillYemenis #Yemen pic.twitter.com/NRaj0YAPCr

  327. MPs call for UK to #StopArmingSaudi http://gu.com/p/4gc9m/stw Pressure the gov., add your voice http://caat.org.uk/saudi-petition #Yemen #USAkillYemenis

  328. US-Saudi alliance on Yemen kills women and children and destroying homes, hospitals, airports, ports, everything #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/HScAk7tH9x

  329. Because of the long siege in Yemen hospitals suffer from a shortage of medicines needed to treat the injured #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/PeQtEaBW5M

  330. Children in Yemen do not live safely they are afraid of the shelling. #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/BeLYt7KmTK

  331. Because of the shelling of humanitarian organizations has been unable to exercise its mission in Yemen such as MSF #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/hy2BZ0Kb7V

  332. Many children are killed every day in #Yemen due to the bombing of US-Saudi alliance unjust forces #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/aBhM4we4O1

  333. Food shortages threaten children in #Yemen, and many of them die because of malnutrition #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/lcnSUtvo9u

  334. Coalition forces bombed in #Yemen with disabilities centers of the deaf and dumb and blind #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/I5DiljYAv1

  335. Saudi American raids coalition forces destroyed civilization and historical buildings in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/wOfqOLcz43

  336. Coalition forces bombed #Yemen-i people with internationally banned cluster bombs @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/8DvH2Jpvn0

  337. US-Saudi forces violate international law with the killing of civilians @IntlCrimCourt #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/hm1PGyaFPB

  338. The Yemeni people are suffering a lack of drinking water because of a long siege for several months #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/cQTMC4JvWV

  339. US-Saudi alliance bombed schools and universities in Yemen during the presence of the students #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/MdlJj61idP

  340. US-Saudi alliance forces destroyed all hospitals in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/rwEKTV2bH9

  341. Stop the US, UK & Saudi beheading Yemenis. Call @georgegalloway #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/yamr2K2TB5

  342. Family of 6 incl. 2 children killed in Sanaa after a #Saudi airstrike. Daily realities in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/kInpRMX7SG

  343. the #US-backed Saudi coalition bombs #yemeni industries & commercial areas with heavy missiles #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/KLPP0NArjR

  344. US-backed Saudi-led coalition continues to bomb civilians houses in #yemen. Many families killed #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/Cu5yIPmP9r

  345. Too terrible it’s like look wild low When you see completely family getting killed by saudi jets #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/BXCXfC4dsY

  346. Dozens of air strikes targeting sana’a #Saudi jets bombing every where : civilians areas #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/vIRraZKHQG

  347. Ppl of yemen exposed to genocide because saudi war & blockade @UN does nothing to stopping this mess #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/fiQWXGyZjx

  348. Sana’a capital of #yemen exposed to war crimes. Cluster bombs to destroy civilians homes #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/UWCfMkorDP

  349. .@UN doesn’t care about #US-backed #saudi crimes because KSA have a lot of money #yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/S3MBzZsHLu

  350. .#Yemen did not attack any country. The Yemeni people are peaceful. Why are you assaulting them ? #USAkillYemenis

  351. Saudia distributes death, sadness & siege in every village house and governorate in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/8VG7X7QcUW

  352. That beautiful young girl, what’s her sin?where us your humanity #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/w6OCPy6ulb

  353. Sana’a became the Hiroshima of the century & the world’s still watching #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/pLkpjHAS5j

  354. To everyone who cares about animelsThis blind kid Saudis & co bombed his refuge killed his bird #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/OX5VeJrTAT

  355. To everyone who cares about animels This blind kid Saudis & co bombed his refuge killed his bird #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/HOdhHXiv5q

  356. the situation in #Yemen is catastrophic due to US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes This is Sanaa #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/rSQA16zN71

  357. How many victims does the world need to admit that Yemenis are humans and need our support ? #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/fPzPs3sfhH

  358. bombs thrown from above. Who threw them ? US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s planes #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/VotnJL65hS

  359. Video : people in #Yemen suffering, Stop War, do anything to stop it! #USAkillYemenis https://youtu.be/15SERRva9ns

  360. Starvation US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes on Trading Stores & Oxfam org. in Saada #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/nRwJ4L29q0

  361. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs wells & agricultural fields to increase the crisis in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/Ebr4waFMen

  362. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs livestock in order to increase hunger in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/18wzkiytnJ

  363. The US-backed Saudi-led co. bombs food markets and food tankers to starve the people of Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/Ih2fWHmG9U

  364. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs civilians – housing units for workers in Mokha station Taiz #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/OAS2gtvDyY

  365. Massacre at market Aahm – Hajjah The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs civilians #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/ONWYoA9ZOq

  366. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs densely populated residential neighborhoods in Sanaa #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/SZbglsur6u

  367. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs hospitals and health centers in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/1jRyvbmekK

  368. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed the Outpatient Clinics, Military Hospital ,Sana’a #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/GqNTDFJvn2

  369. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed health units in Hajjah Governorate #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/FuyGgY03iW

  370. Children in #Yemen are under US-backed Saudi-led attack. We must act #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/WcUKubuTsX https://t.co/3ISIG8NYsl

  371. US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes completely destroys Hodeidah airport in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/fiW3aQFSTu

  372. US-backed Saudi-led war crimes in #Yemen persist, with #UK, #Italy, #Spain & #France’s support #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/QkQgPrsvFY

  373. US-backed Saudi-led aggression destroyed Academic & Educational Est. in province of Dhamar #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/J67mDUIdlq

  374. The saudi-led coalition bombed the Industrial and vocational Institute in Taiz #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/qH9RfpL7Kz

  375. Saudi Arabia seeeks to destroy education in #Yemen – targeted community college in Ibb #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/gVQw7yCTL3

  376. US-backed Saudi-led aggression seeks to destroy education in #Yemen, bombs universities & schools #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/KhHPtEF86v

  377. US-backed Saudi-led aggression bombs industrial facilities in #Yemen, destroys factories in Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/aZIWEGOxXN

  378. US-backed Saudi-led aggression destroys all industrial facilities in #Yemen – Amran Factory Cement #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/ttRxnL8qoF

  379. US-backed Saudi-led aggression destroys all industrial facilities. An ice plant in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/LMocEieGgw

  380. US-backed Saudi-led aggression destroys all industrial facilities : a cement Factory in Taiz #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/pj5x4pZXXW

  381. US-backed Saudi-led aggression targets industrial facilities in #Yemen – The Textile Factory #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/BeoAdpkGEL

  382. US-backed Saudi-led aggression seeks to destroy media, in order to block out his crimes in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/83Xtlp8BX3

  383. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs institutions, comm. networks, destroys everything in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/o2swB9nYUx

  384. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs institutions & comm. networks, destroys everything in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/hsPpax8QmF

  385. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs institutions & power grids to increase the suffering #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/DzjW1bTWD2

  386. The US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed several petrol stations, to increase the suffering #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/I1iKWOrS50

  387. US-backed Saudi-led aggression bombed many petrol stations in Saada – a war of extermination #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/6jS1jeOFyC

  388. US-backed Saudi-led aggression bombs sports facilities, targets everything in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/fHnU03OrvE

  389. the US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed many airports – Sanaa International Airport #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/Mu1qFB9AYT

  390. the US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed many airports – Hodeidah International Airport #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/pcm8x0FpCm

  391. US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs roads and bridges in order to make life difficult. Ibb #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/VqFAOCTWTK

  392. the US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed many airports – Hodeidah International Airport #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/pcm8x0FpCm

  393. US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs roads and bridges in order to make life difficult. Ibb #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/VqFAOCTWTK

  394. .US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed bridges in Lahj Province, make our life diffcult in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/RWDZPTPoY6

  395. the US-backed Saudi-led coalition seeks to destroy the infrastructures in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/jMBdHoxZAa

  396. US-backed Saudi-led aggression bombs infrastructures in Yemen. Many bridges destroyed. Shabwa #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/DGpFanzIGl

  397. the US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombed government buildings in the province of Saada #USAkillYemenis #Yemen https://t.co/E1OuUPIGp1

  398. the US-backed Saudi-led coalition bombs markets and shops, overcrowded of people #USAkillYemenis #Yemen https://t.co/WlAa9AcOGu

  399. US-backed Saudi-led aggression seeks to destroy education, targeted Technical Institute #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://t.co/mOuwqcemL5

  400. The UK has”fully supported & cooperated with” Saudi action in #Yemen, says A. Smith: @CAATuk http://www.the-platform.org.uk/2016/01/22/britain-and-saudi-the-shame-of-2-8bn-of-arms-sales/ #USAkillYemenis

  401. War crimes – Saudi Arabia makes a parody of international law #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://en.shafaqna.com/news/27360

  402. feb. 1st : family of 6 killed when Saudi airstrike hit their home in Bani Hareth, Sanaa. #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/R4qxOoQNgt

  403. Military TARGET? Children’s Park in Sanaa destroyed by 2 US-backed Saudi-led airstrikes #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/coA9C5vXwT

  404. .#YEMEN before and after 10 months of US-backed Saudi-led bombing on a massive scale #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/hgJf4VTAtr

  405. .Saudi Arabia considers #Yemen hospitals, schools, weddings as legitimate targets. #USAkillYemenis

  406. World stays silent while gross genocide is carried out by Saudis & co with US/UK/EU help #Yemen #USAkillYemenis pic.twitter.com/ClFiMpoqNq

  407. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war &blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @RepDebDingell

  408. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war & blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @keithellison

  409. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war & blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @tedlieu

  410. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as USbacked KSAwar&blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @janschakowsky @repmarkpocan

  411. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen US backed KSAwar&blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @repmarkpocan @RepRaulGrijalva

  412. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war & blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @repjohnlewis

  413. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war & blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @RepBarbaraLee

  414. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war & blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @RepJohnConyers

  415. A forgotten crisis: Mass starvation in #Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war & blockade #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n6 @RepBobbyRush

  416. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @RepDebDingell

  417. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @keithellison

  418. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @tedlieu

  419. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis ttp://urlz.fr/31n5 @RepMcGovern

  420. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @MaxineWaters

  421. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @janschakowsky

  422. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @repmarkpocan @RepRaulGrijalva

  423. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @repjohnlewis

  424. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @RepBarbaraLee

  425. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @RepJohnConyers

  426. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://urlz.fr/31n5 @RepBobbyRush

  427. The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://www.huffingtonpost.com/adil-e-shamoo/the-us-should-not-accompa_b_9010522.html

  428. Mass starvation in Yemen as U.S.-backed Saudi war & blockade push millions to brink of famine #USAkillYemenis http://www.salon.com/2016/01/29/a_forgotten_crisis_mass_starvation_in_yemen_as_u_s_backed_saudi_war_blockade_push_millions_to_brink_of_famine/

  429. US Abets Saudi War Crimes in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis https://consortiumnews.com/2016/01/25/us-abets-saudi-war-crimes-in-yemen/

  430. Yemen: Leading Journalist Killed by U.S.-Backed, Saudi-Led Airstrike #USAkillYemenis http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/19/headlines/yemen_leading_journalist_killed_by_us_backed_saudi_led_airstrike via @democracynow

  431. US-made cluster bombs used by Saudi-led in #Yemen attacks – @hrw #USAkillYemenis https://www.rt.com/news/328190-yemen-saudi-cluster-bombs/

  432. .#Yemen: A US-Orchestrated Holocaust #USAkillYemenis https://shar.es/1hMGIA

  433. U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition likely targeting medical workers with ”triple tap” strikes in Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://www.salon.com/2016/01/22/dont_shoot_the_rescuer_u_s_backed_saudi_led_coalition_likely_targeting_medical_workers_with_triple_tap_strikes_in_yemen

  434. What John Kerry won’t ever acknowledge The U.S.relationship with KSA is self-destructive&even crazy #USAkillYemenis http://www.salon.com/2016/01/27/what_john_kerry_wont_ever_acknowledge_the_u_s_relationship_with_saudi_arabia_is_self_destructive_and_even_crazy/

  435. The Obama administration should be found guilty of war crimes in #Yemen #USAkillYemenis http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dan-kovalik/obama-adminstration-guilt_b_8916380.html

  436. Saudi Arabia Is Killing Civilians With U.S. Bombs #USAkillYemenis http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marjorie-cohn/saudi-arabia-is-killing-c_b_9068780.html

  437. Senator wonders how much longer the U.S. will blindly support Saudi Arabia #USAkillYemenis http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/chris-murphy-us-saudi-arabia-relationship_us_56aba630e4b0010e80e9de96

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