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Summit Overthrow and Black Comedy


May 24 | Yamanyoon

An unprecedented degeneration of Arab and Islamic regimes and cultural, media and secular elites as it celebrates and praises Trump’s visit to Riyadh and the American-Islamic summit, for which the Arab and Muslim sects have been crowded, frightening of  the White House and being greedy  for Saudi money even if the cost is normalizing with Israel; it is the fall in the mud on the one hand, and the black comedy on the other hand; whereas the enemy became a friend, the extremist is calling for brotherhood and tolerance, and licking with hatred against Islam and Muslims became an imam and preacher in the nation of Islam; Tramb’s madness met the folly of Ben Salman, and some 56 heads and representatives of the Arab and Islamic countries rallied to this pleasures to satisfy their master and their benefactor, who – paradoxically – did not come to plunder the money and gifts on his servants, as he tried to win tens of billions from them  to return laughing  on the way  of Adel Imam in his movies ; and although Trump is a frenzy that could make him  pay for it  early in the US, he seems to be the only savior among a group of dignitaries summoned ,whom Riyadh asked them to announce an Islamic-American alliance entitled being moderate to Israel and being strict to Iran.

The world is convinced that Saudi Arabia and not others are the source of this thought and the mother of terrorist groups and organizations that America claims is fighting and eradicating it. According to this scenario, Riyadh becomes the center of moderation (Islamic), but this does not mind being charged inside the US as a rogue state. It has to pay billions in compensation to American citizens affected by the terrorism of  (Saudi), according to the law of Justa. Recently, Obama tried to hint to the Saudis that there were internal problems that they had to deal with, instead of involving Iran in all their failures, but because they did not like the advisors, the Al Saud waited for a  president like Trump to tickle their feelings and laugh at their tongues ,so h  gained from them  what he did not imagine or expect to get  it within a few weeks.

After Saudi Arabia, Trump will be in Tel Aviv, which in turn prepares to celebrate the president who made enemies of the Zionist entity friends and allies in the face of Iran and the axis of resistance in general. And no solace for Palestine, whose night will last for long and the injustice of its people, as long as the Saudi-American alliance exists !!!.

Translated by :Yousry Al Moayed

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