Killing Numbers of Saudi _ Paid in Aisr , Jizan and Marib On أبريل 1, 2017 436 Share April 1 | Yamanyoon Army and popular committees targeted groupings of Saudi soldiers in Asir and Jizan . The Yemeni army and popular committees targeted gatherings of Saudi soldiers in Asir , and klilled numbers of them . A military source said , the Yemeni artillery waged dozens of Saudi soldiers at al Hajiz camp and AL Masil site , and the hits killed dozens of them . In Jizan the Yemeni army and popular committees targeted the Saudi soldiers in Tabat Al Hamara , and numbers of them were killed and injured others Also , in Marib province the Yemeni artillery and popular committees taregetd the mercenaries in Serwah district and killed four mercenaries . aggressionbreakingcommitteesmercnariesnewsSaudi Aggression Against Yemenyemen 436 Share FacebookTwitterGoogle+ReddItWhatsAppPinterestEmail