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US-Made Jet Fighters Dropping American Bombs on Yemen: Iran


Yamanyoon- Dec 16 2017

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the bombs dropped on the innocent people of Yemen and the jet fighters pouring them are of American origin.

Speaking to reporters on Saturday in Tehran, Zarif once again dismissed the “baseless” claims raised by the US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, about Iran’s supply of missiles to Yemen.

“The US raises groundless accusations against Iran by displaying a piece of wreckage in a bid to put a lid on its war crimes in the region,” he went on to say, according to a Farsi report by Mizan.

“The clear thing is that the planes bombarding Yemen and the bombs they drop are American-made,” he added.

Earlier in a tweet, Zarif had highlighted Washington’s complicity in war crimes committed in Yemen, saying that since the beginning of the war, “the US has sold weapons enabling its allies to kill civilians and impose famine”.

“While Iran has been calling for ceasefire, aid and dialogue in Yemen from day 1, the US has sold weapons enabling its allies to kill civilians and impose famine,” Zarif said on his Twitter account on Friday.

“No amount of alternative facts or alternative evidence covers up US complicity in war crimes,” he added in his tweet.

In the post on his official Twitter account, Zarif also attached a link to a report on the US complicity in war crimes committed against the Yemeni people.

Zarif made the remarks in response to Haley, who claimed that the Islamic Republic has supplied Yemen with ballistic missiles.

During her press conference on Thursday, Haley appeared standing before parts of a ballistic missile that she claimed Iran delivered to Houthis in Yemen, who then fired it at the Riyadh airport in Saudi Arabia last month.

In another tweet earlier on Thursday, the Iranian top diplomat had likened Haley’s speech to former US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s claim in 2003 that Iraq possessed WMD.

Powell’s 2003 speech to the UN laid out the Bush administration’s case for a war in Iraq. Powell in 2016 called the speech “a great intelligence failure”.

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