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Daily Archives

2017/01/01 - 8:27 ص

New Aggression Crime in Marib

January 1|Yamanyoon With the beginning of the New Year the aggression warplanes committed on Sunday morning a new massacre in province of Marib. A local sources said, the warplanes of the Saudi aggression targeting house of a citizen in…

Several Raids on Sana’a Province

January 1|Yamanyoon The fighter jets of the Saudi aggression continues flight over the Sanaa capital. Local sources said ,warplanes waged several airstrikes on Al Mdfon and Nqil bin Gillan directorate of Niham east of Sanaa. The…

At Least 30 Raids in the Last Day of the Year

January 1|Yamanyoon US-Saudi aggression war jets continued heinous crimes on several Yemeni provinces and targeting citizens' properties.  In the last day of the Year the aggression targeted Saada , Sana'a , Niham and Al Hodidah and Marib.…
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