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Tuesday May 5, 2015: Daily report of Saudi-led Aggression airstrikes on Yemen


Tuesday May 5, 2015

The following are the Saudi-led Aggression airstrikes launched throughout Yemen on Tuesday May 5, 2015:


  • Saudi-led Aggression launched 16 missiles on the region of Mandabah and three strikes on the region of Al-Gufl in Ahsan Mountain.
  • Saudi-led Aggression targeted Al-Hosamah region, on the border, with six missiles.
  • Five air raids launched on the city of Sadah; and the regions of Al-Sha’af and Haidan were bombed with missiles.
  • Two air raids on Baqem district and thirty missiles launched on the region of Al-Magameh in Haidan district.
  • Seven air raids targeted Al-Moasalat neighborhood, the Cultural Center and the Political Security Organization (PSO) in the city of Sadah.
  • More than ten air raids launched on the perimeters of the cities of Sadah and Sahar.


  • Saudi-led Aggression launched two air raids on Al-Ummal Island and four air raids on Al-Mu’alla.
  • More than thirty air raids on different regions including: Al-Mu’alla, Al-Tawahi, Al-Safinah, Al-Hodah and Khor Maksar.


  • Saudi-led Aggression forces fire flash grenades on the region of Al-Madaheshah in Haradh district, which is located on the border with Saudi Arabia.
  • Mortar shells fired on the region of Al-Jahasheh in the district of Haradh and the region of Al-Mazarea in the district of Maydai.
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