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Doctors without borders organization stressed the need to increase humanitarian


May 10 | Yamanyoon

Doctors without boarders organization stressed the need to increase humanitarian assistance to curb the spread of cholera in Yemen and in anticipation of further outbreaks.

“There is a need for flexible cooperation between health organizations and relevant authorities to provide immediate support to health facilities and communities in the affected areas, and humanitarian assistance should also be increased to reduce the number of people suffering from the disease,” the organization head Murata said in a press release Mersad get a copy .

“There are patients coming from many areas tens of kilometers far and we are very concerned that the spread of the disease will continue and get out of hand,”

The statement expressed the organization’s fear that the health authorities in Yemen will not be able to deal alone with the outbreak of the disease as a result of the war that led to the suspension of a number of hospitals and facilities for work because of the lack of budget for operating and non-payment of salaries since September 2016 access to care Health is extremely difficult for millions of Yemenis.


Source | Marsad

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