أفق نيوز
الخبر بلا حدود

Daily report of Saudi-led Aggression air raids on Yemen for Thursday, July 23, 2015 (Day 120)


Thursday, July 23, 2015

The following is a summary of the Saudi-led Aggression air raids launched on Yemen on Thursday, July 23, 2015 and the resulting casualties and destruction.


  • Saudi aircraft launched a series of air raids on Koufel military base (معسكر كوفل) in the district of Sirwah (صرواح).
  • Multiple air raids on the area of Jufaynah (جفينة).


  • A series of air raids launched on the area of Lowdar (لودر).


  • 6 air raids launched on al-Subahah (الصباحة), west of the capital.


  • 2 air raids on the area of Hairan.
  • 2 people injured as a result of Saudi air raids that targeted Muthalath Aahim, in the district of Haradh.


  • Multiple air raids targeted the area of Haidan.
  • 2 air raids on Wadi Awf (وادي عوف), in the district of Majz.
  • 2 civilians killed and 5 injured, including a little girl, as a result of Saudi air raids on Haidan market.
  • 44 Saudi air raids on the areas of al-Qut’ah (القعطة), Al-Farr (الفرع) and al-Maleel in the district of Kitaf, within a few hours.
  • Multiple air raids on the areas of Tarish (طارش) and Nawwas (نواس) in the district of Sagain.
  • 2 air raids on the area of Aramah (عرامه), in the district of Sagain.


  • Saudi air raids launched air raids on the 17th Infantry Brigade in the area of Dhubab (ذباب).


  • An air raid targeted the area of al-Hosayni (الحسيني), in the district of al-Hotah.


  • Saudi aircraft launched a series of air raids on the area of Dar Saad.
  • Saudi aircraft launched a series of air raids on Mada’yen Hayel (مدائن هائل), al-Madinah al-Khadhraa (المدينة الخضراء) and Dar Saad.
  • Multiple air raids on the area of Sheikh Uthman.


  • An air raid on the area of Murrah (مرة), in the district of Atag (عتق).
  • 3 air raids on the district of Markhah (مرخة).


  • 4 air raids targeted the Central Security camp.


  • An air raid on the area of Houth (حوث).
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